Diagnosing Common Issues

Whilst we endeavour to ship reliable, bug-free software, it is inevitable that some bugs do creep in. When this arises, please notify the team via the #report-bugs channel in Discord.

To assist the team in diagnosing the issue, please provide as much detail of the issue as possible:

  • Describe the issue and outline the steps that caused the issue.

  • Can the issue be reproduced easily?

    • If so, outline the key steps.

    • If not, the issue is likely to be intermittent or difficult to reproduce so will need further time to investigate and detail the steps.

  • What platform and/or software version was used?

    • Web browser (e.g. Chrome, Safari, etc)

    • Wallet (e.g. Pera Wallet, MyAlgoWallet, etc)

    • Desktop, Tablet or Mobile device

Diagnosing User Interface Issues

For issues in relation to the user interface such as blank or unresponsive screen, our recommendation will be to take a screenshot of your Browser’s Developer Console. It takes a bit of effort, but this will greatly assist us in identifying the error.

In Chrome, this can be done using Shift + Ctrl + J (Windows) or Option + ⌘ + J (Mac OS) or by going to More Tools > Developer Tools from the menu.

Please take a screenshot of the Console tab upon the error and notify the team and assist them to identify what the issue is. For example:

Capture Screenshots or Screen Recordings

We recommend that you also provide screenshots or better yet, screen recordings to help the team better understand the issue. These days, it's very easy to do and can be done using tools such as:

Detailing Expected Behaviour

It is important bug reports contain the expected behaviour to help the team better understand the issue. Given the vast nature of use cases and the complexity of the product, this information is very helpful for the team.

For example: if your balance is not showing up correctly, please also elaborate on what you expect your balance to be.

Diagnosing Financial Issues

If the issue is related to potential financial issues such as transactions or balances, please also provide:

  • Transaction ID in AlgoExplorer: All transactions in the Algorand blockchain are recorded and can be viewed in the AlgoExplorer block explorer. The transaction details will help us diagnose the issue.

  • Wallet Address: Please also provide your wallet address where applicable. This will be useful for issues with regards specific to user balances and/or rewards that may not have an executed transaction.

Last updated